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Many lives of Hugh Jackman

I have seen re-runs of the Micromax Canvas Turbo TV commercial many many times. Even though Micromax would like me to remember the ad and check out the phone if and when I decide to buy a new one, I did recollect the ad today in a context that wouldn't benefit Micromax in any (direct) way. It happened while reading this Fast Company article - Why you should read more novels.

The article talks about neuro-research findings that suggest changes in brain activity for up to five days after people in their sample set finished reading a novel.

I have written before about my theories on how fictional characters affect people's lives (a lot more than real life characters do). So, I was smitten by the title of the article.

Looks like there is now research indicating the benefits of living multiple lives. Putting yourself in the shoes of a character you admire for as little as the duration of a movie or the reading of a novel can change the way you think and act.

Whether you use a Micromax Canvas Turbo to juggle your many lives or not is immaterial (sorry Micromax). But the act of juggling many lives is a good thing to do.

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