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Its not just Mark, I like WhatsApp as well

I write often about how we should make products that genuinely add value to customers rather than just make products that can rake in the dollars. I also write often about how we will get to outcomes when we are not actively manipulating our processes to chase them (with reference to Morpheus's 'If you ask, you're not ready to know.').

I like WhatsApp because it combines these two lines of thought.

WhatsApp is such a popular product only because it has an extremely simple interface, does exactly what we want it to and nothing else, and has absolutely no clutter (be it ads, or anything else). In addition, it is a lot cheaper than traditional text messaging (many of us don't even pay the dollar a year subscription fees).

It is genuinely focused on adding value as opposed to finding monetization strategies that disrupt the user experience.

In not chasing advertising dollars, WhatsApp has gathered a large active user base that has eventually brought in $19 billion making it the largest ever venture-backed company to be acquired.

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