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Turning Up

Professionals turn up every day, whether they feel like it or not.

Comedians turn up every day to try out and fine tune their material so that they improve their craft.

Writers turn up every day to try out new ideas and to improve upon their skills.

Athletes turn up every day to practise their game.

Often, when we turn up in this fashion, it feels like there is nothing new that we are doing. It feels like there is nothing new that we are learning. Sometimes, it may even feel like we are moving backwards. After all, it is impossible to come up with gems every time we turn up.

But, that is part of the promise. 

Comedians don't turn up everyday expecting a standing ovation. They know that tens of shows that bomb is what will pave the way for an eventual standing ovation. There is no standing ovation without the pile of dead bodies of shows that bombed.

Writers don't turn up everyday expecting to produce a bestseller. They have hundreds of discarded drafts.

Athletes have a lot of mistakes and sub par experiences in their practice sessions. 

Then again, turning up without the intent to improve, turning up just for the sake of it, only leaves bodies in the wake and no improvement.

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