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When I sit down to write for the day, I'm only sitting down to type for the day. The actual process of writing happens all through the day, whenever my mind is free enough to explore ideas and thoughts on its own, without being engaged in or distracted by anything else.

The same happens with any sort of work that we do that is not mechanical - creating presentations, writing documents, writing code, creating designs, etc.

This makes it very important to nurture ample amounts of mindspace for these creation, compilation and assimilation of ideas to happen.

The same mindspace is also important for us to process our emotions and explore and form narratives about the situations we find ourselves in and the people we interact with. 

Our reactions and behaviours are not entirely momentary in nature either. They simmer and build up all through the day whenever we dedicate mindspace to them, and only bubble up at the actual moment of interaction with the external environment. 

This explains why it might feel like it's been a very long time since you last spoke to someone even though it has barely been a day or two, while at the same time might feel like it hasn't been very long since we spoke to someone else even though it's been months.

The old saying of an idle mind being a devil's workshop, while true, is far less of a worry today than not having enough mindspace, driven by distractions at every turn - often on our browsers and our cell phones. 

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