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My First Post

As the popular saying goes, there is a first for everything and this is the first post for my blog. I'm Kumar, 19, an engineering student at NITK Surathkal. I am a regular subscriber of the local newspapers and unlike most subscribers I actually go through all the headlines apart from reading a few select articles. There has been a lot of publicity for blogging in the media of late, especially during the recently held Lok Sabha elections. When I came across articles related to blogging, I was not really sure as to how an unknown person typing away on his PC can get noticed by those he intends to and to be honest I'm still not sure. So I decided the only way is to find out for myself and the result - 'My First Post'.

I decided to blog not with an intention of getting noticed or receiving publicity, although that would be nice, but in order to let everyone know how I feel. I am an ambitious young lad but I don't feel I have the right stage to express myself and go on to achieve my ambitions. So, like any other successful person who went on to achieve whatever it was that they did from a background similar to mine, I too have decided that if I sit and wait for an opportunity to present itself I will be wasting more than just my time and potential. Thus I have taken the first step and decided to communicate with the masses which is what I have to do and do effectively if I am to realize my ultimate goal of having a successful term as the Prime Minister of this wonderful nation India.

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