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Push and Pull

Before Facebook had a News Feed, we had to go visit the profiles of people whose updates we wanted to see, without knowing whether there was an update to see or not. 

This is pull.

With the introduction of the News Feed, all we had to do was open the home page of Facebook and we would see the updates from whoever had posted updates from our network. 

This is push.

The push model has clearly won out with every social network, and content generators / accumulators in general have adopted. There is always an infinite scroll. 

This is certainly convenient. 

However, in the recent months, I've reverted back to the pull model. I've unfollowed everyone on Facebook, which means that I have to seek out their profiles if I want to see their updates. And I've done the same with blogs that I read (albeit in a semi-push way). 

I now do all of my reading via email. And I get updates from all the blogs and websites where I read content right in my email. However, I have labels classifying these emails by the author of the blog. In that sense, my email inbox is like a web portal of old (like Yahoo) where I can go and click through to any of these blogs or sites via the labels and read only their content. 

The push model has removed a lot of head trash, as Charlie Gilkey likes to refer to it. 

This has changed my reading habits from the cable-tv equivalent to the Netflix equivalent. While cable tv had a new episode of a show out each week with tens of episodes from different shows each day,  Netflix puts out all the episodes of a show at one go. This means I can watch just one show whenever I watch television and move to another show once I'm done. While on cable tv, I had to watch different shows whenever I watched television, unless I only watched it half an hour a week.

My reading is similar now. I end up reading several posts by the same author when I read what they've written, and then read a different author the next time, rather than read an article by each author every day. 

This move to a pull model has made my reading more deliberate, my social media consumption more deliberate and my television consumption more deliberate. 

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