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Original Thought

As a 9 year old kid, I noticed an interesting pattern in the multiples of the number 9. That the sum of the digits in any multiple of 9 is always divisible by 9.

I was really excited about this discovery and I penned a note on this and submitted to my teacher for it to be included in our school magazine. 

But, I was told that this wasn't my "discovery" and that it was already an identified pattern.

I was disappointed. I hadn't come across this anywhere (not that I had gone looking for it), and it was an original thought in me in identifying this pattern.

Of course, it is always the first to discover something that gets the credit, and not anyone after, even if those who discovered it later had no clue about the discovery already being an established fact. 

Original thought occurs at the edges of what we already know. It occurs when we are pushing the boundaries of what we know and are curious to understand something that cannot be explained by what we already know.

The only way to have original thoughts is to learn more and spend time at the edges of what we know.

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