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Three kinds of learning

There are three types of learning. Learning facts, learning processes and learning behaviours.

Learning facts is the most straight-forward of the three. There are definitive answers to questions and there is no nuance or context. No matter who looks at it, the answer will be the same. This kind of learning is becoming less and less valuable as we have been outsourcing the kinds of work that need retrieving facts to machines. One cannot hope to out-perform their peers by merely learning more facts, not today.

Learning processes is far less straight-forward as this is full of nuance and context. The processes that yields certain results for one person or one company in a certain context is unlikely to yield the same results for others in different contexts. Yet, the only real way to learn processes (apart from discovering them from scratch) is to learn from others. Hence, the key to successful learning in this case is to be cognizant of the fact that nuance and context play a big role and to incorporate that into our learning, rather than take what we see as gospel.

Learning behaviours are even more complicated as behaviours are essentially processes personified. And these are best learnt by simply taking on role models and trying to emulate them without question. This is how little kids learn. From their parents, from their teachers and from everything else that they see around them. This is a kind of learning that isn't active. Instead, it is simply something that happens to us. So, the best way to influence this is to choose our environment and the people we spend most of our time with. Because, that is what we will learn our behaviours from.

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