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I'm currently reading the historical account of Genghis Khan and how he established the largest empire in the world during his time, spanning from modern-day Hungary to Monglia and from Siberia to India. 

Genghis Khan wasn't someone that set out to conquer the world. That wasn't his burning desire or ambition. He simply wanted to establish a good life for his own tribe with lands for their animals to graze on and access to goods like gold and silk that enriched his tribe. He didn't want to travel to new places and fight new armies. He was quite happy in the open steppes of inner Mongolia where he was originally from, and this shows in his return to these areas soon after battles, where he appointed members of conquered aristocratic families to run vassal states and send him riches in the form of loot and taxes at regular intervals. 

In his early successes, he began to accumulate larger and larger armies and military technologies, which he continued to put to use by conquering new lands and attracting defectors from those armies to join his own. He especially encouraged military tacticians and technologists from the conquered lands to join his ranks by offering them great rewards. 

He operated his kingdom the way many companies do today. Conquer a corner of the market, acquire IP and good talent along the way and put those to use in expanding to adjacent markets. Amazon is the greatest example of a company embodying this.

Starting from a place of abundance is a nice way to get great things done. 

However, we seem to chase abundance all the while, rarely finding ourself get there, if ever. 

But if we take stock of what we have, we are all starting from a place of abundance - in terms of time, knowledge, ability, if not always wealth. 

We just need to channel our abundance. 

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